Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Writing Challenge #20 - Leaves, Lighter, Love (Write Nov. 20)

Hi folks

We have arrived at the two-thirds mark!

Challenge 20 out of 30.

Well done, everybody!

Let’s keep rolling into that final third.

So let’s get you this prompt so I can get back to the inbox and keep processing your many, many submissions :)


Challenge #20 - Leaves, Lighter, Love

Write Nov. 20th - or earlier if you like
Due: Thursday, November 21st, 12pm noon Central Time
(1pm Eastern Time, 11am Mountain Time, 10am Western Time for the US Time Zones)

Here’s another trio of jumping-off points for potential writing from Threshold Theater’s Managing Director and co-founder David Schlosser:

“In the pitch dark the flicker of the lighter”

“The brown red yellow leaves crunched under their feet”

“He/she/they shouted oh for fuck sake. God damn it. Yes, I love you”

Take any or all of those and swirl them around and see what you come up with.

Or, as with any other day in this challenge, just write whatever idea comes to you, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the day’s prompt.

Up to you, as always.

Just write something.

Have fun!


If you’re not interested in this prompt, you can

try 2021’s challenge #20: Your Favorite Story

Or try 2022’s challenge #20: Regional Slang

Or try 2023’s Challenge #20: Reverse Order (from Threshold Theater Literary Associate Kate Cosgrove)

Or, you know, just ignore the prompts altogether and write whatever you want - as long as you’re writing and turning it in by the deadline, that’s all that matters for the challenge :)


And because we call can get in our own way so easily, here’s some words of reassurance on the basics of this month:

Friendly Reminders - Answers To Common Questions:
(Follow the links to read me expounding on these items :)

Don’t Stress About Writing A Full Play

Don’t Stress About FormatDon’t Stress About Sticking To The Writing Prompt

No.  Really.  I Mean It.  Don’t Stress About Sticking To The Writing Prompt

Don’t Stress About Finishing An Idea (You Can Add Later)

Don’t Stress About “Succeeding” or “Failing”

Don’t Stress About What You’re Turning In Each Day

Don’t Stress About November 28th (however you recognize the holiday weekend)


How to submit your work for Challenge #20

You have options.  They are:

Save your script as a PDF or Word Doc and send as an attachment to an email sent to ThresholdWritingChallenge@gmail.com


Copy and paste your script in the body of an email and send it to ThresholdWritingChallenge@gmail.com


Post your script online (as a Google doc, or in a blog post, on your own personal website, etc.) - email a link to this script to ThresholdWritingChallenge@gmail.com
(If you’re going to Google doc route, just make sure to have the document public, or give permissions to our email address to open it)

When emailing us, make the subject line of your email - Challenge #20
(That just helps us sort through the email more quickly)
(Or, you know, just reply to this email if you want :)


Post the link for the online document option noted above in the comments section below on this very blog post for today's challenge on our writing challenge blog

Write Nov. 20th - or earlier if you like
Again, this is: Due: Thursday, November 21st, 12pm noon Central Time
(1pm Eastern Time, 11am Mountain Time, 10am Western Time for the US Time Zones)


And, just to reassure you, no, we are not going to be sticklers about you following these directions down to the minutest detail - the important thing is that you write, and then that you share it with us, so we can keep track of who’s writing every day.

Also, no, there is no penalty for finishing and submitting early - but it also isn’t a race, so give yourself all the time up til 12 noon Central Time on Thursday to write if you need it.  When you’re done, you’re done.

Again, remember, it doesn’t need to be great, it doesn’t even need to be responding to this prompt (the prompt is just there so you’re not staring at a blank screen to start with no idea what to write about :)

Doesn't even need to be complete - you could have the beginning or the middle or the end of an idea, maybe two out of three but not all, that's still fine. This is all about getting things started, you can write more later.

You have 10 more days to build on whatever you come up with today, if you want.

Just get anything on the page, even if won't make sense to anyone else, as long as it make sense to you.

It just needs to be something.


And that something can be:

Lights up halfway.

In the semidarkness, Pamela flicks her cigarette lighter repeatedly until the spark finally turns into a flame.

Autumn leaves crunch under her feet.

She leans down, ready to set the fallen leaves on fire - and who knows what else besides.

Sharon rushes onstage and faces Pamela down.

SHARON: Oh for fuck’s sake!  God damn it!  Yes, Iove you!

Pamela pauses, considering what do with her lighter, or what do to with Sharon.

Pamela flicks the lighter shut, extinguishing the flame.

Lights down.

The End

That’s always your escape hatch, every day.

That’s your base line.

Build on it.

Have fun.

Don’t stress.

Make an impulsive decision and run with it.


You’ve got the day.

Just write.

And take good care of yourselves, and each other.

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