Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Return of Threshold Theater's November Playwriting Challenge (Year 4)

And after our standard nine month hibernation, we're back for round four!

November is traditionally a month when all sorts of writers sign up for challenges to finish the Great American Novel or that unfinished screenplay - why shouldn’t playwrights get in on the fun?

The goal is simple: to get you to prioritize your own playwriting, even if it’s just for a little while each day, every day, for a whole month.

Even if you only manage it every other day, or a couple of days a week, that’s still progress.

If you’re like me, you can sometimes be so good at putting off your writing until another day that you can look up and find weeks have gone by without you writing a single line of dialogue.  

We want to get out of that habit and replace it with a more creative habit.

And if you manage to write every single day of the month of November, then there’s an extra little prize for you at the end (read on for more details on that…)

Our challenge was created as a bit of an homage to a similar writing challenge that my friends at Red Theater in Chicago ran for several years in which I took part (so far I’ve mined the material I developed there for two full-length plays and a ten minute play).  Since they’ve sadly discontinued the event, and Threshold Theater is devoted to the development of new work and creating a community of writers for the theater, we thought, “why not revive that November playwriting challenge idea and do it here?”

How it works:

Everyone who wants to participate in the challenge can sign up on this fancy new page on the Threshold Theater website, where you “purchase” the November Playwriting Challenge for $15 (

(That $15 is sort of like putting money in a pool for March Madness or an Oscar party, but this time, you're betting on yourself as a writer.)

(If the payment is a problem for you, contact us at - we don’t want money to be a barrier to people participating in the challenge - we’ll make something work to get you in.)

Threshold Theater will take 20% off the top, which will go towards supporting the artists in our New Play Reading Series and future productions.  The remaining 80% of the money collected from the $15 entry fees will go into the pot to create that prize at the end I mentioned before.

After purchasing the challenge with your entry fee, drop us an email at to let us know you’re in.

PLEASE NOTE: Since Gmail is being aggressive about curating people’s email inboxes the last year or so, if you don’t see emails from the Challenge in your inbox, and you have a gmail account, be sure to check on the “All Mail” option, which will reveal all the emails you receive, not just the ones Gmail thinks are important.  Since we have links in the challenge emails and since you either have never received emails from us before, or haven’t since last November, Gmail may not be as interested in the playwriting challenge as you are :)


Formal Rules:

Contest (aka, November Playwriting Challenge) entry period ends October 31, 2024 at 11:59pm Central Time.

The contest will run from 12:00 a.m. (midnight) Central Time on November 1, 2024 to 12:00pm (noon) Central Time on December 1, 2024

Participants must submit work by 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central Time each day to be considered eligible for winnings on December 1, 2024.

Winner(s) will be announced no later than December 8, 2024

Winnings will be sent out (check via US mail) no later than two weeks after winners are announced (December 22, 2024).

Winnings of $600 and over will require a form W-2 to be issued by Threshold Theater.

By paying the entrance fee and submitting the email you agree to the rules set forth from Threshold Theater and all disputes will be settled directly between Threshold Theater and participants.


The writers who manage to write something every single day for the 30 days of November will split the money at the end.

That, of course, is an extra reward on top of the main reward, which is that you prioritized your playwriting and wrote a whole bunch of new material in November.

(And everyone, whether they write all 30 days or not, will get that “new play material” prize.)

(Every year I did this challenge through Red Theater, I wrote all 30 days and ended up getting my $15 back at the end as part of my share of the kitty, so it was basically free writing encouragement :)

First rule of the challenge - it doesn’t have to be good writing, it just has to be writing.

Part of the point of the challenge is to get you to just make decisions and run with them, blast past your internal censor and just put something on the page. One participating writer has likened it to doing improv with your keyboard.

Everything you write will, by the circumstances of its creation, be a first draft.  You can always go back and “fix it” later :)

Each day you will have a writing prompt.

I will post the writing challenge on our challenge blog at

I will also email everyone participating with the text of that day’s challenge and a link to that blog post (which will come in handy later…)

(The plan is to give you two or three days’ worth of prompts in advance, so if you want to keep writing or get a head start on the next day’s work, you can.  The more writing the better.)

You can write to the prompt, or ignore it and write something completely different.  Up to you.  As long as you’re writing.

The point is just to give yourself the space and time to write something new.  

Doesn’t even need to be a complete scene, you could just have the beginning and the middle and not have any idea how to end it, the rest of the idea may come to you another day down the road.

As long as you have something written, that’s a good day.

If you’re just not able to get anything going one day in November, and all you can come up with is:

“Lights up

CAROL dances across the stage and disappears

Lights down

The End”

That’s fine

(Obviously we want to avoid 30 days of that but that’s enough of a placeholder to count for the day’s writing: Lights up, Something happens on stage, Lights down, The End - that’s the baseline we all start with as our escape hatch for the day, challenge yourself to do more)

The daily check-in to keep us all honest and for me to be able to track who’s writing each day will go like this:

You’ll get the prompt for November 1st in advance of that date.  You’ll have all day on November 1st to write.

By 12 noon, Central Time, on November 2nd, you’ll share your work with us in one of the following ways:

You can email us the script at

You can post the script as a comment on the blog entry for the day’s challenge at

You can post your script online on your own blog or website (or post it as a Google doc) and post a link to it in a comment on the blog entry for the day’s challenge at

You can email that link to your posted work for the day at

You can always turn your writing in early, but 12 noon Central Time will be the cutoff each day, and that way no one has an unnaturally early morning to make the deadline, regardless of what time zone they might be in.

So, submit your writing of the day for November 1st no later than 12 noon Central Time on November 2nd.

Then get working on the writing for November 2nd, to be turned in by12 noon Central Time on November 3rd.

And so on...

And we’ll all go through that process daily until 12 noon, Central Time, on December 1st, for the November 30th challenge.

(And don’t panic the first couple of days when we’re all getting up and running.  We’re not going to be sticklers while we’re all fighting technology and working out the kinks on November 1, 2 and 3… Just post as you’re able and keep us in the loop by email on what’s going on if you’re having trouble, need tech support, etc. :)

Then December 1st, I’ll sit down and make a list of all the people who logged in with writing work every day of the month, and I’ll double check it with you all, to make sure I didn’t miss anybody.

And then we’ll split the collective 80 percent of the entry fees for the challenge between those prolific writers who all remain standing at the end of the month.  We'll confirm contact details at that time for the best way to get you your money.

I have always had a tremendous amount of fun doing challenges like this as a writer myself, and my aim is to make this one fun and inspiring for all of you as well.

An overview of how things turned out the past three years:
Honestly, I was expecting maybe half a dozen writers from the Twin Cities metro our first time out in 2021. Instead, we got 10 writers in Minnesota, plus 33 other writers from 20 other states, 2 from Canada, and 2 whose location was unknown. 27 of the 47 writers wrote every single day.
In 2022, due to a technical glitch, we got a late start getting the word out, but we still ended up with 12 writers in Minnesota, plus 23 other writers from 15 other states, 1 from Canada, and 4 whose location was unknown.  22 of the 40 writers wrote every single day.
Last year, we had 57 writers, 33 of whom wrote all 30 days. 19 of the writers were from Minnesota, the rest came from 16 other states around the U.S. and the District of Columbia, plus we had another Canadian representative for the third year running.

If you’re interested in participating, go purchase the November Playwriting Challenge on the Threshold Theater website (which will put your $15 in the prize pot) and send us an email at to let us know you want to take part in the challenge.

Deadline to sign up is October 31, 2024 - 11:59pm, Central Time

(Donation needs to be entered no later than 11:59pm 10/31/24; but if you don't get around to the email part of it to notify us until later, that's fine - I just need your email address so I know where to send you the prompts every day :)

The fun (and writing) begin November 1, 2024.

Happy writing to you all!

Matthew A. Everett
Literary Director
Threshold Theater

Sunday, December 10, 2023

2023 November Playwriting Challenge Final Numbers

 Hi folks

I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that it’s taken me over a week to tidy things up on the November playwriting challenge this year but phew…

You all had a pretty staggering writing output this year which made you hard to keep up with, in the best way possible, so keep on writing that way the other 11 months of the year until the November 2024 challenge.

To give you an overview, we had 57 writers sign up this year, and 38 of you wrote every single day of the 30 days of November, which is amazing.

Even those of you who didn’t write all 30 days still wrote most days.  Hopefully everyone has a bunch of interesting raw material to play around with in the year ahead to push your playwriting forward.

You all submitted 1,398 bits of daily writing, totaling 4,066 pages.

Taking a standard two hour full length play to be 120 pages, that means you all produced enough pages to create 33 full-length plays (3,960 pages) (or more than one a day for every day in the month of November).  The leftover pages (106) would make for a nice 60 minute one act play, and another 46 minute one act (or something that would fit nicely into a slot in the Minnesota Fringe Festival).

The most playwrights submitting material in a single day was 54 of you.
Even on the day of the least submissions, 41 writers were turning in material (and that was only for 2 days toward the very end of the month, every other day there were more people submitting work, most days many more writers than that.)

For comparison, we had 47 total writers in 2021
28 writers wrote all 30 days.
So that’s 10 less than this year in both categories.
Those writers turned in 1,021 daily bits of script, totaling 4,090 pages.
You all blew past the daily bits of script and they only just inched by you on total pages, just 24 more somehow.
Their high mark for daily submissions was 44 writers, their low was 29 writers.
Again, you blew past them on both scores.

Last year, in 2022, we had 40 writers, 22 of whom wrote all 30 days.
812 daily bits of script, totaling 2,606 pages.
The high mark for daily submissions last year was 34 writers, the low was 23 writers.
So again, you blew by them this year on all counts.

Not that it’s a competition or anything, but I wanted to provide some context for how awesome and prolific you all were this year.  Well done!

I just compiled a list of handy links for all the challenges for each of this first three years if you want to check in with the blog for some random inspiration throughout the year until it springs back into life again next fall.  You can find them here:

Links to all the 2021 challenges

Links to all the 2022 challenges

Links to all the 2023 challenges

Best of luck with your playwriting in the year ahead, and I hope your year-end holiday season is one of rest and rejuvenation.

Happy writing to you!

Matthew Everett
Literary Director
Threshold Theater

Full List of Challenges for 2023

#1 - More Assorted Dialogue

#2 - Fox and Rabbit

#3 - Place Names for People

#4 - Wonderland

#5 - Snapshots 1

#6 - Art Gallery Titles

#7 - Treat Yourself

#8 - Breakup Songbook

#9 - Not My Blood

#10 - Inevitable

#11 - Fake Tour Guide

#12 - Snapshots 2

#13 - Box of Doorknobs

#14 - The Worst Play You Can Possibly Imagine

#15 - Pictures That Haunt You

#16 - “How did I get here?”

#17 - Occam’s Raisin

#18 - Snapshots 3

#19 - Mystery Office or Newspaper Home

#20 - Reverse Order

#21 - Flower People

#22 - Self-Discovery

#23 - The Vanishing Point

#24 - Snapshots 4

#25 - Mood Music

#26 - Impossible Set

#27 - The Ex Files

#28 - Contronyms

#29 - Snapshots 5

#30 - I Don’t Believe In Ghosts, But…

You can also find links for all the challenges for 2021 here and 2022 here.

Full List of Challenges for 2022

#1 - Assorted Dialogue

#2 - What Haunts You?

#3 - Clown Family

#4 - Smackdown

#5 - “This Guy Told Me He Was A Centaur…”

#6 - Mascots

#7 - Treat Yourself

#8 - Chance Encounters

#9 - “Whose Meadow Is This?”

#10 - Food Vs. Humans

#11 - Background Music

#12 - Omens

#13 - Abscission

#14 - Snowflakes and Other Totems

#15 - Fake Adaptations

#16 - Brains

#17 - Writing For Someone Else

#18 - Games

#19 - Frogs

#20 - Regional Slang

#21 - Mystery Grilled Cheese Sandwich

#22 - Random Sentence Generator

#23 - Location, Singer, Poet

#24 - Band Name

#25 - Fun With Homophones

#26 - Visual Writing Prompt

#27 - Code Words

#28 - Atmosphere

#29 - Messages After You’re Gone

#30 - Storytelling Obsessions

You can also find links for all the challenges for 2021 here and 2023 here.



Full List of Challenges for 2021

#1 - I Love You, I Hate You, I Love You

#2 - Fire Escape

#3 - Start With A Title

#4 - Science Fiction and Fantasy

#5 - Random Phrase Generator

#6 - Bigfoot By Moonlight

#7 - Treat Yourself

#8 - Series and Cycles

#9 - The Bechdel Test

#10 - Cars

#11 - Punk Monkey, Film Noir and Ride The Pink Horse

#12 - Random Phrase Generator part 2

#13 - Your Favorite Song

#14 - Magic

#15 - Endings

#16 - Poetry

#17 - Holidays

#18 - Words With No English Equivalent

#19 - Random Phrase Generator part 3

#20 - Your Favorite Story

#21 - Technology Gone Awry

#22 - Left Coast Theatre Prompts

#23 - Hidden Histories

#24 - Alternate Timelines

#25 - Unstageable

#26 - Random Phrase Generator part 4

#27 - She Blinded Me With Science

#28 - Companion Plays

#29 - The Best of Times, The Worst of Times, and The Future

#30 - Magical Realism

You can also find links for all the challenges for 2022 here and 2023 here.



Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Writing Challege #30 - I Don’t Believe In Ghosts, But…

Hi folks,

We have arrived at the final challenge for November 2023.

For those of you who wrote every single day this month, well done!

For those of you who wrote some but maybe not every day, also well done!

You all have more writing in hand than you did at the end of October, and that was the whole point.

Hopefully all of you have at least one or two ideas you want to continue pursuing in the year ahead.

For those of you who were new this year, thanks for finding us.  

For those of you who enjoyed it enough last year to come back and do it again, we were happy to see so many familiar names.  

Thanks to all of you for prioritizing your writing a little bit every day.  

And though It’s dicey making pronouncements about anything a year out, the plan is to definitely do this again next November.  So if you found it useful, mark your calendars. And spread the word to anyone you think might be interested.

Once everyone’s turned in what they’re going to write for this last challenge day, I’ll tally everything up and follow up with an email to everyone who looks like they did all 30 days (or got close on my daily tracking chart), just to confirm with everyone and make sure I didn’t accidentally miss anybody.

If you don’t hear from me and feel like you should be hearing from me, by all means reach out.  I’ve been endeavoring to catch things that slipped through the cracks or got lost in technology somewhere as we went along, but I could very well have missed something. Gmail’s been a little funkier this year than the previous two years.

Then we’ll confirm your mailing addresses where to send the check (we’re new, so we don’t have a credit card or Venmo/CashApp account or anything like that - so it’s old school handwritten checks).  You can all tell people you were paid by a theater company for your writing and it will be true, you can even show them evidence :)

Thanks again for participating, everybody!

It was a bit of a marathon for me on this end, too, but it was worth it to see you all cranking out those pages of dialogue and sketches of ideas.  Even your little escape hatch plays some days were quite inventive and entertaining.

Again, well done, one and all!

And now, let’s get you that final writing prompt for November 2023…


Challenge #30 - I Don’t Believe In Ghosts, But…

Due: Friday, December 1st, 12pm noon Central Time
(1pm Eastern Time, 11am Mountain Time, 10am Western Time for the US Time Zones)


My singer/songwriter friend Chris Koza and his band Rogue Valley released a new double album recently called “Shell Game,” and on it there was a track called “Spell It Out” that on first listen I could almost think was about a person who felt a bit dense about the status of their relationship and was asking for clarification.  On a second listen, however, it immediately became clear this jaunty little, upbeat tune wasn’t about that at all.  But I still needed to ask Chris, “Am I reading this wrong, or this a song about someone who wants a sign from someone they love who’s dead?”  Chris confirmed that yes, that indeed is what the song is about, I wasn’t misinterpreting the meaning:

"If you can hear me,
Let me know you can hear me.
Make a light go on,
Make a door open.
Make it something I won't miss
Unmistakable and obvious.
Spell it out for me.

If you just tell me,
Let me know, you just tell me.
I've got so many questions,
Collecting like ashes.
Give me something I can keep,
A song that I play on repeat.
Spell it out for me.

Don't wait, don't wait.
Tomorrow is a long way.
Right now, right now,
I'd do anything you say.

If I can feel you,
Let me know you can feel me, too.
Let the rain pour down.
Let the sun come out.
Make it unforgettable,
Something only I could know.
Something short and sweet,
A little surprising.
Spell it out for me."

It’s track 9 here

One morning recently, I woke with a start because it felt like someone had sat down on the edge of my bed.

But no one was there.

To clarify, I live alone, no partner, no roommate, no pets.

Freaky as that was, it still was way too early to actually get up and out of bed yet, so I cautiously laid back down and went to sleep again.

But then I woke again, startled by the sensation that someone was sitting down on the edge of my bed again.

Now, I don’t have a long list of experiences to slot into that particular sensation for reference.

My social life has not been filled with people staying the night and being there in the morning to gently rouse me or anything.  I’m normally the early riser in a situation like that anyway.

Honestly, the only person who’s ever really sat down on the edge of my bed while I was sleeping, because for whatever reason it was time to get up, or they were checking on me because I was sick, was my mother.

And Mom’s been dead for over four years.

So the sensation, and the fact that it was repeated, was unnerving.

And the notion of the only person I could slot into that situation in my head was also unnerving.

I suppose as a reminder of a loved one who’s gone, of times past, it was nice in a strange way.

But still very weird.

Things like that don’t happen to me.

And yet this happened.

My brother has had a very different relationship with our mother since she died.

He used to talk to her every day when she was alive.

He admitted he still talks to her every day now, even though she can’t really respond.

Or can she?

He makes a habit on significant days a couple of times a year of driving all the way out to the middle of nowhere to visit Mom’s grave (no offense to Milton, Pennsylvania, it holds a storied place in our family history, as well as the family plot in the cemetery on a hill just outside of town - but look it up on a map, then zoom out and out and out and you’ll see that every major named city in the state is hours away by car, often several hours away).

And he will call me while he’s there, so that I can say hi if I want - to her.

One time I missed the call, but was able to call back pretty quickly, and he was already in the car and driving out of the cemetery on his way home, but he asked, “Do you want me to go back, so you can talk to her?” I assured him no, that was fine, he could keep driving and he and I could chat instead for a bit, which we did.

He will take things, little visual inside jokes, and set them on the gravestone and then take pictures and send them to me.

One time he took the dog with him - a dog that had lived with Mom for several years.  And when my brother let the dog out of the car, the dog trotted right over to Mom’s grave.  Not any other plot, not the grave markers of grandma or granddad, Mom’s parents, on either side of her.  Nope.  Dog went right to her without any prompting or guidance.

I enjoy stories of the supernatural, but I don’t really believe in the supernatural.

But I do have to admit, when someone you know dies, particularly someone you love, things can occasionally get very, very weird.

So write something about that, or in that neighborhood.  
What are your stories?  
What does any of that make you think of?

Have fun with it.

Take a swing at that for our final outing.

Or, like always, write whatever you want.

Just write.  Something.  For one last day in November (this year).

Again, folks, well done.

Happy writing to you all!


If you’re not interested in this prompt, you can try 2021’s challenge #30:

Magical Realism

Or 2022’s challenge #30:

Storytelling Obsessions

Or, you know, just ignore the prompts altogether and write whatever you want - as long as you’re writing and turning it in by the deadline, that’s all that matters for the challenge :)


Friendly Reminders - Answers To Common Questions:
(Follow the links to read me expounding on these items :)

Don’t Stress About Writing A Full Play

Don’t Stress About Format

Don’t Stress About Sticking To The Writing Prompt

No.  Really.  I Mean It.  Don’t Stress About Sticking To The Writing Prompt

Don’t Stress About Finishing An Idea (You Can Add Later)

Don’t Stress About “Succeeding” or “Failing”

Don't Stress About What You're Turning In Each Day 



How to submit your work for Challenge #30

You have options.  They are:

Save your script as a PDF or Word Doc and send as an attachment to an email sent to


Copy and paste your script in the body of an email and send it to


Post your script online (as a Google doc, or in a blog post, on your own personal website, etc.) - email a link to this script to
(If you’re going to Google doc route, just make sure to have the document public, or give permissions to our email address to open it)

When emailing us, make the subject line of your email - Challenge #30
(That just helps us sort through the email more quickly)
(Or, you know, just reply to this email if you want :)


Post the link for the online document option above in the comments section on this very blog post for this very challenge on the writing challenge blog below

Again, this is: Due: Friday, December 1st, 12pm noon Central Time
(1pm Eastern Time, 11am Mountain Time, 10am Western Time for the US Time Zones)


And, just to reassure you, no, we are not going to be sticklers about you following these directions down to the minutest detail - the important thing is that you write, and then that you share it with us, so we can keep track of who’s writing every day.

Also, no, there is no penalty for finishing and submitting early - but it also isn’t a race, so give yourself all the time up til 12 noon on Friday to write if you need it.  When you’re done, you’re done.

Again, remember, it doesn’t need to be great, it doesn’t even need to be responding to this prompt (the prompt is just there so you’re not staring at a blank screen to start with no idea what to write about :)

Doesn't even need to be complete - you could have the beginning or the middle or the end of an idea, maybe two out of three but not all, that's still fine. This is all about getting things started, you can write more later. You have another 11 months (until the next November writing challenge) to build on whatever you come up with today, if you want. Just get anything on the page, even if won't make sense to anyone else, as long as it make sense to you.

It just needs to be something.


And that something can be:

Lights up.

A character is walking out of a room.

Behind them, a light flickers.

The person stops, turns around, look at the light.

The light flickers again.


Lights down.

The End

That’s always your escape hatch, every day.

That’s your base line.

Build on it.

Have fun.

Don’t stress.

Make an impulsive decision and run with it.


You’ve got the day.

Just write.

Matthew A. Everett
Literary Director
Threshold Theater

Now Playing:
The video trailer for Threshold Theater's first virtual play reading in the New Play Reading series (back in May/June 2021), our reading of “Spellbound” by Matthew A. Everett - Thanks to his mischievous friend Jeffrey, who’s begun dabbling in witchcraft, Micah has accidentally dosed his best friend Auggie with a love potion. Which might be fine, if Auggie wasn’t straight, and married, or if Auggie’s wife Sarah wasn’t pregnant, or a practicing witch. With the help of Duncan, who runs the local metaphysical supply store, the race is on to whip up the antidote before anyone does something they’ll regret.  Now on our YouTube channel

Coming Soon:
The video recording of Threshold Theater's seventh live play reading in the New Play Reading series. Like all good LGBTQ+ theater companies, we begin our new season of programming with "Mediocre Heterosexual Sex" - which is a play by Madison Wetzell.  Four hours after her girlfriend dumps her, Erin switches her Tinder setting to dudes because she hates herself. She quickly meets Aaron, who is straight, conveniently nearby, and only too happy to indulge her masochistic fantasies. To translate this deeply ambivalent first hetero experience, Erin seeks the advice of the only straight people she knows, a couple in a Dominant/submissive relationship. A vexed exploration of gender, sex, power, and kink.

Coming Spring 2024:
“4Play with Threshold Theater”
Dates and venue still TBA
Amsterdam, by Collette Cullen
Bluetooth, by Liz Dooley
Hurry Up and Wail, by Anna Ralls
Just for Context, by Bethany Dickens Assaf
The Weird Ellen Prom Queen Trendsetters, by Elizabeth Shannon

Coming for Pride Month 2024
Monday, June 3, 2024
Monster Girls at Sunshine Donuts, by Dani Herd
A vampire, a werewolf, and a Frankenstein's monster walk into a doughnut shop... Meet Louise, Tally, and Elsie: the crew behind Sunshine Doughnuts! The ghouls have fallen into a pretty pleasant spooky routine for themselves; pouring coffee, baking doughnuts, arguing over Scooby-Doo cartoons, having crushes on their regulars. Along comes an unexpected late night visitor to throw everything into question. Sometimes it really sucks how much your past can come back to bite you!


"Write. Find a way to keep alive and write. There is nothing else to say."
- James Baldwin

"Writing is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as the headlights, but you make the whole trip that way."
- E.L. Doctorow

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Writing Challenge #29 - Snapshots 5

Hi folks

28 down, 2 to go!

We’ve nearly reached the end of November, folks.

Hang in there and keep on writing :)

Last year someone in my writing group (who shall remain nameless) was… pestering is a negative word so let’s just say enthusiastically and repeatedly suggesting… that “you should let all those writers know about the writing group and see if they might be interested in attending.”

Which wasn’t a bad idea.

But I did remind the person that the majority of the writers doing the challenge often aren’t local, and are situated in states all across the USA, sometimes also in Canada.  So the time zones don’t always perfectly align.

In our time being fully online in 2021, we had a number of people in different states sitting in - but sometimes it was challenging because they were either an hour ahead or behind of the Central Time zone meeting hours of 7pm to 9pm.  Still, we did make it work.  Even now, in hybrid mode, with some folks meeting in person, there’s still a number of (even local) people who prefer or need to attend via video conference on the computer.  So we have the capability of including folks wherever there’s internet connectivity.  (Sadly our friend who moved from Minneapolis to Norway for a graduate program isn’t going able to join us - it’s always the middle of the night for her when we meet.  Less extreme time zone differences may be workable.)

A handful of people did join us last year and a couple became regulars, which is fun.

Here’s an overview of how the group works

If you think you might be interested, just drop me a note.

Now, let’s get you that writing prompt…



Challenge #29 - Snapshots 5

Due: Thursday, November 30th, 12pm noon Central Time
(1pm Eastern Time, 11am Mountain Time, 10am Western Time for the US Time Zones)

One last assortment of random elements to spur your thought process from our co-founder and managing director David Schlosser:

A dead body
A rusted bike
A cemetery in the winter
A phone booth
A burn out motel sign
A fireworks display

If none of those cause a creative spark, revisit our previous snapshot image lists to see if anything there might be useful to get things going:

Snapshots 1

Snapshots 2

Snapshots 3

Snapshots 4

Or, as ever, write whatever you like.

Just write.  Something.

Just two days more to the end of our challenge marathon.


If you’re not interested in this prompt, you can try 2021’s challenge #29:

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times, and The Future

Or 2022’s challenge #29:

Messages After You’re Gone

Or, you know, just ignore the prompts altogether and write whatever you want - as long as you’re writing and turning it in by the deadline, that’s all that matters for the challenge :)


Friendly Reminders - Answers To Common Questions:
(Follow the links to read me expounding on these items :)

Don’t Stress About Writing A Full Play

Don’t Stress About Format

Don’t Stress About Sticking To The Writing Prompt

No.  Really.  I Mean It.  Don’t Stress About Sticking To The Writing Prompt

Don’t Stress About Finishing An Idea (You Can Add Later)

Don’t Stress About “Succeeding” or “Failing”

Don't Stress About What You're Turning In Each Day


How to submit your work for Challenge #29

You have options.  They are:

Save your script as a PDF or Word Doc and send as an attachment to an email sent to


Copy and paste your script in the body of an email and send it to


Post your script online (as a Google doc, or in a blog post, on your own personal website, etc.) - email a link to this script to
(If you’re going to Google doc route, just make sure to have the document public, or give permissions to our email address to open it)

When emailing us, make the subject line of your email - Challenge #29
(That just helps us sort through the email more quickly)
(Or, you know, just reply to this email if you want :)


Post the link for the online document option above in the comments section on this very blog post for this very challenge on the writing challenge blog below

Again, this is: Due: Thursday, November 30th, 12pm noon Central Time
(1pm Eastern Time, 11am Mountain Time, 10am Western Time for the US Time Zones)


And, just to reassure you, no, we are not going to be sticklers about you following these directions down to the minutest detail - the important thing is that you write, and then that you share it with us, so we can keep track of who’s writing every day.

Also, no, there is no penalty for finishing and submitting early - but it also isn’t a race, so give yourself all the time up til 12 noon on Thursday to write if you need it.  When you’re done, you’re done.

Again, remember, it doesn’t need to be great, it doesn’t even need to be responding to this prompt (the prompt is just there so you’re not staring at a blank screen to start with no idea what to write about :)

Doesn't even need to be complete - you could have the beginning or the middle or the end of an idea, maybe two out of three but not all, that's still fine. This is all about getting things started, you can write more later. You have one more day to build on whatever you come up with today, if you want. Just get anything on the page, even if won't make sense to anyone else, as long as it make sense to you.

It just needs to be something.


And that something can be:

Lights up.

The neon in the motel sign by the road has seen better days.

Amusingly (for some), it just says “MO” with the unfortunate (?) coincidence (?) that there’s a message on the sign below the neon to passing motorists that says:

“Entrance in the rear”

There is, inexplicably, still a phone booth with a working pay phone out front.

We know it’s working because it begins to ring.

Someone passing by notices the phone ringing.

Looks around.

No one else here.

They walk over to the phone booth and pick up the receiver to see who in the world might be calling.

They are surprised by the answer.

Lights down.

The End

That’s always your escape hatch, every day.

That’s your base line.

Build on it.

Have fun.

Don’t stress.

Make an impulsive decision and run with it.


You’ve got the day.

Just write.

Matthew A. Everett
Literary Director
Threshold Theater

Now Playing:
The video trailer for Threshold Theater's first virtual play reading in the New Play Reading series (back in May/June 2021), our reading of “Spellbound” by Matthew A. Everett - Thanks to his mischievous friend Jeffrey, who’s begun dabbling in witchcraft, Micah has accidentally dosed his best friend Auggie with a love potion. Which might be fine, if Auggie wasn’t straight, and married, or if Auggie’s wife Sarah wasn’t pregnant, or a practicing witch. With the help of Duncan, who runs the local metaphysical supply store, the race is on to whip up the antidote before anyone does something they’ll regret.  Now on our YouTube channel

Coming Soon:
The video recording of Threshold Theater's seventh live play reading in the New Play Reading series. Like all good LGBTQ+ theater companies, we begin our new season of programming with "Mediocre Heterosexual Sex" - which is a play by Madison Wetzell.  Four hours after her girlfriend dumps her, Erin switches her Tinder setting to dudes because she hates herself. She quickly meets Aaron, who is straight, conveniently nearby, and only too happy to indulge her masochistic fantasies. To translate this deeply ambivalent first hetero experience, Erin seeks the advice of the only straight people she knows, a couple in a Dominant/submissive relationship. A vexed exploration of gender, sex, power, and kink.

Coming Spring 2024:
“4Play with Threshold Theater”
Dates and venue still TBA
Amsterdam, by Collette Cullen
Bluetooth, by Liz Dooley
Hurry Up and Wail, by Anna Ralls
Just for Context, by Bethany Dickens Assaf
The Weird Ellen Prom Queen Trendsetters, by Elizabeth Shannon

Coming for Pride Month 2024
Monday, June 3, 2024
Monster Girls at Sunshine Donuts, by Dani Herd
A vampire, a werewolf, and a Frankenstein's monster walk into a doughnut shop... Meet Louise, Tally, and Elsie: the crew behind Sunshine Doughnuts! The ghouls have fallen into a pretty pleasant spooky routine for themselves; pouring coffee, baking doughnuts, arguing over Scooby-Doo cartoons, having crushes on their regulars. Along comes an unexpected late night visitor to throw everything into question. Sometimes it really sucks how much your past can come back to bite you!


"Write. Find a way to keep alive and write. There is nothing else to say."
- James Baldwin

"Writing is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as the headlights, but you make the whole trip that way."
- E.L. Doctorow

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